Rules are an important part of Little League. Rules are reviewed and published annually by Little League Headquarters. Each umpire, coach, and manager should receive a copy of the rules at the beginning of each season. Unfortunately Little League International does not publish an online version of the rulebook. We do strive to keep all umpires, managers, coaches, players, parents and spectators as informed as we can.
In addition to Little League rules, SWPLL often adopts local rules applicable to all or just one division of play. The most current version of local rules are at the links below. These rules should be used in EVERY SWPLL game played during the regular season, however local rules are not applicable when teams play in a tournament or the post-season. If there are no additional rules listed below for any division, then that division follows the Little League rulebook without changes.
Note, As of January 1, 2018, the new USA Baseball Bat Standard was implemented. USABat Standard bats must be used in the AAA and Majors level for baseball. Details are here.
It is important to note that local rules may not contradict the Little League Rulebook. In the event of a conflict, the Little League rule shall apply.
Softball Rules
Majors local rules updated 2022
AAA local rules updated January 9, 2020
AA local rules
A local rules
Tee Ball local rules
Manager Primer